Axtria is a proud sponsor of the second annual PMSA European Summit to be held in Amsterdam

    1 mins read

    We are excited to announce that Axtria will be participating in the Pharmaceutical Management Science Association’s (PMSA) second annual European Summit in Amsterdam at the iconic Hilton Amsterdam.  This year’s theme is “Advanced Analytics Across the Changing EU Data Landscape.

    The conference takes place September 5th – 6th and it offers an exclusive opportunity for us to share our ideas with our peers in Europe.  There are a lot of conference activities planned, including thought-leading presentations, informative conference tutorials, innovative showcases, and lots of networking opportunities!  We are looking forward to the engaging discussions across all aspects of Pharma analytics.

    On Thursday at 9:45 am, Axtria’s Shubham Lahoti, Associate Director, will be presenting on the topic of Deconstructing Brick Level Model to HCP Level.  This session will focus on two concepts – running marketing mix models and then using machine learning (ML) models to deconstruct brick level results to HCP level.  Shubham will first discuss the methods used to run marketing mix models at the HCP level and ZIP aggregated (brick) level using US data.  Upon having optimal promotions from both models, Shubham will then discuss the methodology used to build ML models that will help attendees understand factors that can be used to split brick level optimals into HCP optimals.  In conclusion, Shubham will address the alternate use of the process.  Be sure to catch this informative session.

    Later in the day, Axtria’s Ashish Sharma, Principal, and Kaiwen Zhong, Senior Associate, will be presenting on the topic of “From Unstructured to Structured Data: Can Machine Learning Help Make Sense of EMR/EHR Data?” This session will focus on how ML and natural language processing can be utilized to manage unstructured data efficiently. Ashish and Kaiwen will address various forms of unstructured data ranging from images and text documents, to semi-structured data.  Explore the different ML tools and algorithms for production and scalability that turn unstructured data into valuable information quickly. Don’t miss this 45-minute session on Thursday at 2:15 pm.

    The Summit will also cover topics such as: GDPR Compliance and Analytic Science, Multi-Channel Mix, Measuring Customer Engagement, and more.

    There will be ample opportunity to meet our industry experts.  We encourage you to connect with them to discuss your challenges and learn about our offerings across commercial excellence, decision science, and cloud information management. Don’t miss the opportunity to have a one-on-one discussion at the Wednesday evening reception at 5 pm.

    We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!