All Insights Case Study Driving Sales Efficiency Across Digital And Traditional Channels Through Multi-Channel Call Planning

    Driving Sales Efficiency Across Digital And Traditional Channels Through Multi-Channel Call Planning

    Call Plan

    Driving Sales Efficiency Across Digital And Traditional Channels Through Multi-Channel Call Planning

    Multi-channel call planning (MCCP) takes cognizance of traditional & digital channels and enhance marketing potency, and enable sales teams’ effectiveness.

    Driving Sales Efficiency Across Digital And Traditional Channels Through Multi-Channel Call Planning

    With increased drug and market awareness among Health Care Practitioners (HCPs), pharma companies need to rethink their sales teams go-to-market strategy. A burst of digital channels has changed the promotional landscape for companies, meaning, the speed of decision making and execution is critical to the success of the sales force. 

    Multi-channel call planning (MCCP) provides a well-balanced solution to enhance marketing potency and increase sales effectiveness by taking cognizance of various aspects of traditional and digital channels.

    This illustration shows how AxtriaTM enabled a global pharma company to manage and execute their MCCP process across markets in EU, LATAM and the US.

    For the company, implementation of Axtria Sales IQTM resulted in:

    • 100% of the sales force being able to access real-time call plans, with an added ability to engage HCPs that were missing entirely from the earlier call plans
    • Shorter call plan cycles, meaning efficient planning and execution process saving upto 40% of processing time
    • Greater ownership and compliance of the call plans as a result of better customer understanding

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