All Insights White Paper Is Channel ROI Dead?

    Is Channel ROI Dead?


    Is Channel ROI Dead?

    Is Channel ROI Dead? - - No…it has evolved and transformed; seize the opportunity for realizing a transformational impact, today!

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    Is Channel ROI Dead?

    From broadcasting a series of monologues at ‘easy’ customers in order to sell products, to having an engaging and effective dialogue with fairly ‘complex’ targets to make meaningful connections – marketing has definitely come a long way. The touch point with the customer no longer ends when the store closes. The ‘purchase model’ has become very complex.  The reality is it’s no longer about a single channel or a specific campaign in time, but rather the ‘experience’ provided by the purchasing continuum. The key is to leverage one story telling moment to the next, building coherent and powerful brand equity – each interim step is crucial, but the linkages, and the pace of establishing these linkages, is what makes it explosive and changes the game!

    The analytics, however, is still stuck in the past. The statistician in us still lives in a controlled environment, trapping one channel at a time and beating it until it confesses. We will make the case for the advancement in analytics to account for the role of interactions, sequences and linkages in measuring the return on investment.

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