All Insights White Paper Sales Analytics And Big Data Developments Needed Now To Address Practitioner-Identified Emerging Biopharmaceutical Sales Force Strategic And Operational Issues
Sales Analytics And Big Data Developments Needed Now To Address Practitioner-Identified Emerging Biopharmaceutical Sales Force Strategic And Operational Issues
Sales Analytics And Big Data Developments Needed Now To Address Practitioner-Identified Emerging Biopharmaceutical Sales Force Strategic And Operational Issues
This paper has tackled the question on the emerging future role of sales analytics and bigdata developments in a pharma environment increasingly focused on launching specialty medicines.

The biopharmaceutical industry is undergoing significant changes. Most importantly, there is a shift toward greater company R&D focus on and launching of specialty medicines that use new scientific drug delivery systems, e.g., large molecules as opposed to traditional small molecule drugs, catering to smaller patient populations.
While this shift solves some problems pharma has been facing, it has raised a whole new set of questions of sales and marketing, not yet addressed by academic and practitioner marketing science research. This paper focuses specifically on developments in data analytics needed now for practitioners to solve future sales force strategic and operational issues.
This article was published in the Journal of PMSA April 2017
Dr. George A. Chressanthis is currently Principal Scientist at Axtria. He brings a unique combination of professional experiences into the analysis of strategic and operational issues affecting the biopharmaceutical industry.
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