All Insights Case Study 75% Reduction In Issue Resolution Time Using Azure Cloud-Based Application

    75% Reduction In Issue Resolution Time Using Azure Cloud-Based Application

    Cloud Platforms

    75% Reduction In Issue Resolution Time Using Azure Cloud-Based Application

    Creation of an intuitive, easy-to-use, and unified data quality management application to streamline operations and gain a holistic view of data quality for faster and informed decision-making

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    75% Reduction In Issue Resolution Time Using Azure Cloud-Based Application

    Life sciences companies rely heavily on huge amounts of commercial data such as prescription, claims, field sales, and chargeback/rebate that come at different granularity levels. Deriving actionable insights from this data requires constant data quality monitoring since even a small mistake can result in undesired business outcomes and may pose a risk to the health and lives of patients.

    This case study illustrates how Axtria developed a one-stop-shop data quality management solution for a global pharmaceutical company to create a single version of the truth across all data sets in an interactive, user-friendly application.

    With this application, the client benefited from:
    efficiency (100X100px)
    Increased efficiency due to a 75% reduction in issue resolution time

    productivity (100X100px)
    Increased productivity due to freeing up of 70% of the client's time in vendor follows ups

    Automated (100X100px)
    A centralized, user-friendly automated platform for issue tracking and resolution

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