Axtria Gold Sponsor for 2015 Pharmaceutical Management Science Association (PMSA)

    2 mins read

    After an overwhelming response to the Axtria’s presence last year, we are pleased to announce Axtria’s Gold Sponsor support for this year’s Pharmaceutical Management Science Association (PMSA) Annual Conference. Axtria’s Principals have supported the PMSA for two decades, including over 15 presentations / symposia / poster contributions over the past decade alone. The annual PMSA conference is attended by industry thought leaders, and highlights the latest thinking in life sciences analytics and business challenges facing commercial operations.

    The event is April 19-22, 2015 at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia. Registration is now open at the PMSA website.

    This year's conference will focus on Emerging Big Data Analytics in Pharma. In the words of Jassi Chadha, Co-founder and CEO of Axtria, “The volume of data on Earth doubles every ~ 18 months, but the number of analysts does not. Axtria wades into this growing chasm to help our clients bring ‘insightful’ order to chaos. Our platforms manage Big Data and leverage analytics to generate “ingenious insights” that help clients make better decisions.”

    During the conference, Axtria will showcase its cutting-edge “Integrated Services Platform” with pre-configured and rapid deployment of industry best practices that deliver Insight at the point of decision.”

    In addition, Axtria will lead several thought leadership sessions including:

    Effective Incentive Plan Design and Analytics: Specialty Brands, Impact from Reduced Access and Multi-channel Marketing, Perspectives from Other Industries Incentive Compensation today continues to be a critical function in sales operations, and is one of the key levers for driving field force effectiveness. Expectations from incentive compensation team leaders have now become more demanding. Priorities are changing at a rapid pace, with new customer types, new selling models, advent of new technologies, new data sources they need to contemplate, data restrictions, cost pressures, and emerging global captive CoEs (Centers of Excellence). Asheesh Sharma, Senior Principal at Axtria, will talk about IC plan design and best practices in wake of the changing landscape.

    Measuring Direct and Indirect Influence of Account Managers David Wood, Senior Principal at Axtria, will reflect on recent work to demonstrate a robust way to quantify the impact of Account Managers in producing a favorable impact on the selling environment.This presentation will discuss the modeling approach and offer examples of impact effects.

    Market Assessment in Oncology Using APLD Jennifer Maurer of Celgene Corporation and Sudeep Saha from Axtria will partner to deliver a highly informative and interactive session on the use of patient data to estimate market opportunity and product penetration in the field of Oncology. They will be sharing examples of results from a specific application of their approach for an Oncology drug that is indicated for 3 different tumor types and specific treatment regimen within each tumor type.

    Stay tuned to Axtria’s Ingenious Insights blog for further updates on PMSA activities.