Consider outsourcing “good, better and besting” your analytics ?

    1 mins read

    I like Thomas Friedman. While some of his metaphors are twisted, he totally “gets” globalization and the unambiguous virtues of entrepreneurial-based economies.

    You may be familiar with Friedman … he has written the best-selling books “The World is Flat”, “Hot, Flat, and Crowded”, and “The Lexus and the Olive Tree”. He also writes regularly in the New York Times.

    In a recent column (see link here), Friedman reflected on visiting an innovative robotic factory:

    This is the company of the future. Forget about “outsourcing.” In today’s hyperconnected world, there is no “in” and no “out.” There’s only “good, better and best,” and if you don’t assemble the best team you can from everywhere, your competitor will.

    Axtria analytics are at work behind many well-known brands, helping to improve the return on investment to marketing and sales activities. For over a decade, the Axtria team has been at the forefront of delivering advanced analytics with a global delivery model.

    We tackle our clients’ tough business processes (… like targeting, sales incentive compensation administration, marketing spend analysis, model validation, reporting, data management ) … to significantly reduce costs and improve decision-making. The work gets done with the best possible analytical talent sourced from everywhere … my project teams have included David from New Jersey, Rahul from Cleveland, Nuray from Turkey, and Sudeep from India.

    As companies increasingly ‘outsource’ their data management, reporting and analytics, we occasionally get pushback about ‘outsourcing’. Over the course of time, I’ve seen our work be truly transformative. I concur with Friedman as he concludes:

    This is the march of progress. It eliminates bad jobs, empowers good jobs, but always demands more skill and creativity and always enables fewer people to do more things. We went through the same megashift when our agricultural economy was replaced by the industrial economy in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

    Should you consider outsourcing “good, better and besting” your analytics ?

    • Do your really smart people spend time doing ‘simple’ work ?
    • Do your tough questions go unanswered ?
    • Are you awash in data but bereft of insight ?
    • Are you frustrated trying to simply access your own data ?
    • Are you waiting for IT (data warehouse, reporting tools) ?
    • Do your quant(s) have no career path or no mentoring ?

    If you answered ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions, contact us at to compare notes.