All Insights White Paper Better Reporting With The IPad

    Better Reporting With The IPad

    Business Intelligence

    Better Reporting With The IPad

    Reporting needs to be focused and actionable. The iPad has features that can foster better reporting.

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    Better Reporting With The IPad

    Good reporting is an essential tool for managing your business. This reporting needs to be focused and actionable – focused in that it addresses the key business questions you face; actionable in that it helps you answer these questions and make decisions.

    Too often reporting fails to meet this requirement. Many well-known factors contribute to this failure – from incomplete or poorly integrated data sources, to information overload from a proliferation and duplication of reports. While these are important factors to address they are not the focus of this paper – we focus on technology as a factor that too often has enabled bad habits in reporting, and argue that the iPad provides a device with features that can help address these bad habits and foster better reporting.

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