Everest Group Life Sciences Digital Services Specialists PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024

    We’re proud to have been named a Leader in the Everest Group Life Sciences Digital Services Specialists PEAK Matrix® Report. Everest Group classified ...

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    From Chaos to Cohesion

    Information Management

    Driving A Data Strategy Initiative

    Driving A Data Strategy Initiative

    In this whitepaper, we aim to provide a process to review and evolve the data strategy for a business unit. This methodology can be extended for reviewing the strategy for multiple business units or even at the organization level. An outcome driven data strategy approach focuses on defining the target state (the outcome) and working backward through the required analysis and data requirements. ...
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    Data-Driven Customer Journey Design Using Bayesian Network Methodology

    Data-Driven Customer Journey Design Using Bayesian Network Methodology

    Patients and healthcare providers have become embedded in a media ecosystem characterized by strong competition for attention. For pharmaceutical marketers to deliver impactful messages, it is necessary to make the customer the focal point of analysis. A Bayesian Network methodology allows this via a data-driven customer journey analysis. Bayesian networks provide information on the next best ...
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    Better Reporting With The IPad

    Better Reporting With The IPad

    Good reporting is an essential tool for managing your business. This reporting needs to be focused and actionable – focused in that it addresses the key business questions you face; actionable in that it helps you answer these questions and make decisions. Too often reporting fails to meet this requirement. Many well-known factors contribute to this failure – from incomplete or poorly integrated ...
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