Axtria’s benchmark study on analytics innovation readiness

    Axtria’s benchmark study on analytics innovation readiness @ PMSA 2017!

    1 mins read

    Following on from our first PMSA blog post on the pre-conference tutorial, we would now like to draw your attention to the thought-leading presentations we have planned on April 25th

    Kedar Naphade and Andrew Keleher will be presenting a very revealing benchmark study on analytics innovation readiness, following an industry survey Axtria carried out at the end of 2016. This will be a forty-five-minute session and will begin at 9:15 am.

    Our industry is changing faster than ever before. HCPs and patients are changing at the speed of the newest consumer technology innovations such as Google Glass and Apple iWatch. Policy and regulations are shifting. The healthcare ecosystem is consolidating, acquiring and divesting.

    In this world, companies will be differentiated by their ability to innovate: to take advantage of the latest data sources, integrate them into the enterprise and drive meaningful insights

    However, many companies are impeded in their ability to innovate by several factors including:

    • Data Management strategy and technology
    • Organizational silos and regional variations
    • Limited analytical expertise and ecosystems

    Kedar and Andrew will share the findings from this benchmarking study on client readiness to deliver analytics innovation. The study provides insights into questions like:

    • What are the emerging data sources that are being leveraged, and how?
    • What are the Big Data technologies are being used, and which are prevalent?
    • What are the trends with unified data management and governance?
    • Which are key initiatives, focus areas and innovations that are being driven?
    • Which models for analytics service delivery are used, and what is the role of partner strategy in this regard?

    They will also discuss the importance of taking advantage of the latest data sources, integrating them into the enterprise and driving meaningful insights.

    Alongside this session, Axtria has an interesting line up of thought-leading presentations, informative conference tutorials, engaging poster, innovative showcases and networking opportunities throughout the conference.

    We look forward to seeing you there!