All Insights White Paper Can The Coronavirus Contagion Economically Infect The Global Pharmaceutical Industry?

    Can The Coronavirus Contagion Economically Infect The Global Pharmaceutical Industry?

    Industry Trends

    Can The Coronavirus Contagion Economically Infect The Global Pharmaceutical Industry?

    Updated in March 2020

    Can The Coronavirus Contagion Economically Infect The Global Pharmaceutical Industry?

    Events surrounding the coronavirus contagion, characterized as a “black swan” event, which started in China, remain very fluid and are changing daily. No one really knows what the future holds and what if any long-term global effects may result from this latest contagion. Therefore, this paper is about expanding on two themes that are of importance to the successful long-term operation of global pharmaceutical companies:

    1. What are the possible economic effects of this contagion on the global pharmaceutical industry that we can surmise at this time? This paper will outline in a structurally logical fashion the demand-side and supply-side pharma industry effects. The depth and extent of the effects of the coronavirus will depend on its geographic reach and length of time of existence.
    2. The other key related theme is that the coronavirus illustrates that pharma companies, as complex global organizations, are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties. This requires a pharma company to have a sophisticated culture of analytics to mitigate the effects when these surprise events occur.

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