Everest Group Life Sciences Digital Services Specialists PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024

    We’re proud to have been named a Leader in the Everest Group Life Sciences Digital Services Specialists PEAK Matrix® Report. Everest Group classified ...

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    From Chaos to Cohesion

    White papers

    Payer Influence On Product Performance In Pharmaceutical Industry

    Payer Influence On Product Performance In Pharmaceutical Industry

    Payers vary in their ability to assert formulary compliance. We will explore how tools and analytics can enable a pharmaceutical manufacturer to assess factors impacting formulary control and incorporate those findings when evaluating contracting opportunities. We apply these approaches to understand the various levers payers use to control product utilization and measure the direct and indirect ...
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    Creating An Effective And Motivating Incentive Compensation Plan

    Creating An Effective And Motivating Incentive Compensation Plan

    Incentive Compensation is one of the most important drivers for sales force productivity and effectiveness. Sales teams today continue to form a significant driver of a firm’s topline, and hence having an engaged sales force is critical for corporate success. Sales compensation is a significant line item in any firm’s budget, so achieving optimal return on this investment is a topic of keen ...
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    Is Channel ROI Dead?

    Is Channel ROI Dead?

    From broadcasting a series of monologues at ‘easy’ customers in order to sell products, to having an engaging and effective dialogue with fairly ‘complex’ targets to make meaningful connections – marketing has definitely come a long way. The touch point with the customer no longer ends when the store closes. The ‘purchase model’ has become very complex. The reality is it’s no longer about a ...
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    From “Sick” Care To “Health” Care: Analytics Driven Transformation

    From “Sick” Care To “Health” Care: Analytics Driven Transformation

    Globally, healthcare continues to focus on treating disease. More reactive ‘sick care’ than proactive ‘healthcare’! This approach basically leads to intervention only when the health of any person reaches a critical stage, resulting in costly clinical interventions and hospitalizations. Inefficiencies in the delivery of healthcare further contribute to spiraling costs. The unsustainable economic ...
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    Claim Operations Optimization

    Claim Operations Optimization

    Processing claims quickly and accurately is one of the biggest challenges payers face today. Huge volume of claims notwithstanding, multiple and incompatible systems requiring significant manual hand-offs have made the timely disposal of claims the single biggest burden on payer operating costs. Add to it the problem of incorrectly filed claims that require re-processing and the problem suddenly ...
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    Better Reporting With The IPad

    Better Reporting With The IPad

    Good reporting is an essential tool for managing your business. This reporting needs to be focused and actionable – focused in that it addresses the key business questions you face; actionable in that it helps you answer these questions and make decisions. Too often reporting fails to meet this requirement. Many well-known factors contribute to this failure – from incomplete or poorly integrated ...
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    Linking Customer Focus With Business Performance

    Linking Customer Focus With Business Performance

    The concept of the 'customer-centric business' is pervasive, with companies small and large, across every industry, making efforts to improve customer focus. This is no doubt good as businesses would not exist without customers. However companies run the risk that efforts to increase customer focus become disconnected from business performance. If they do not deliver business value, ...
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    Enabling Smarter Commercial Model Experimentation

    Enabling Smarter Commercial Model Experimentation

    The pharmaceutical industry is changing and manufacturers need to modify approaches and structures to survive in a competitive environment. The pace of change necessitates that Pharmaceutical companies undergo a transformation; with organizations expanding the capabilities of their commercial models through smarter experimentation, scalable measurement, faster learning, and dynamic decision ...
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    Be The (Medicare) Star: Improve STAR Rating With Analytics Powered Therapy Adherence Strategy

    Be The (Medicare) Star: Improve STAR Rating With Analytics Powered Therapy Adherence Strategy

    Improving the quality of care and services to patients and enrollees is one of the key imperatives of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Several initiatives and measures have been put in place to make this imperative an operational reality across the entire healthcare landscape. For several years, CMS has posted quality ratings of Medicare Advantage plans (STAR Ratings) to help Medicare ...
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