Blogs: Life Sciences Industry Insights

Top Life Sciences AI Content for the Self-Quarantined Geek

Written by Axtria Connect | April 23, 2020

Rid your binge-watching boredom through artificial intelligence and machine learning – a leading cause of the pharmaceutical industry's best innovations and advancements.

As the projected weeks in quarantine rapidly rise, the amount of absorbable content in your queue is likely dwindling. With not much left to consume, now is the time to indulge yourself in all the titles from our list of the top seven artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) content pieces that your brain can muster. After all, AI/ML innovations are leading the future healthcare landscape for faster, more efficient data analysis and commercial business operations, which in turn improve healthcare physician (HCP) engagement and drive better patient outcomes.

AI/ML innovations are leading the future healthcare landscape for faster, more efficient data analysis and commercial business operations.

After all, what good is a seemingly 40-year extended quarantine if you don't come out of it a brain-swelled genius? Note, Axtria accepts zero responsibility for you not morphing into Elon Musk after reading these articles.

Here are seven quality AI content pieces for your brain to enjoy:

  1. COVID-19: AI and Big Data for Treatment, Containment, and Flattening the Curve

Fascinating Facts:

  • During China's outbreak peak, hospitals and the streets used a hands-off approach through hands-on robots. These robots automated a series of tasks, including sanitizing rooms, sanitizing streets, delivering and collecting patient items, patrolling the streets, and more.
  • Using "Vaccine Rapid Response Platforms" (VRRP), scientists may fast-track vaccine discovery up to 16 months sooner than during the 2003 SARVS-CoV outbreak.
  • Authorized labs can use mail-order DNA to resurrect synthetic novel coronavirus versions for testing. Doing so mitigates the painful process of obtaining real infections.

Click here to read the article.

  1. How AI and Machine Learning is Increasing Insights from Unstructured Data

Fascinating Facts:

  • AI/ML allows humans to gain unprecedented insights into improving diagnostics and care processes, understanding treatment variability, and enhancing patient outcomes.
  • For providers and developers, extracting and analyzing electronic health records (EHRs) – the prime source for complete patient data history – is challenging to do in an accurate, timely, and reliable manner.
  • Using AI/ML for EHR navigation saves HCPs time through task automation, reveals patient information windows previously invisible to the HCP for decision-making, and identifies connections between seemingly unrelated datasets.

Click here to read the blog. 

  1. Predicting Patient Adopters Through Deep Learning

Fascinating Facts:

  • Deep learning (DL) enhances the ability to dive into complex data sources like highly-dimensional patient data, with minimal manual feature engineering.
  • Due to its capabilities, DL uncovers newer, more accurate insights to aid decision-making that can help connect the right patient to the proper treatment at the right time.
  • Using a DL approach, Axtria estimated the chances of doctors prescribing patients specific drugs. The results were over 80% accurate – roughly ~10% more accurate than results from previous methods.

Click here to read the blog.

  1. The Role AI is Playing in Healthcare Patient Adherence

Fascinating Facts:

  • Medicinal non-adherence results in over 125,000 deaths every year as well as increased emergency department visits and hospitalizations, which costs the American healthcare system to the tune of $100 to $300 billion.¹
  • Smart pills fight medical non-adherence using ingestible biosensors, which alert patients and HCPs that they took their medicine.
  • Smart bottles can track whether the patient has consumed their medicine. These bottles use sensors in the cap (of the dispenser), which detect when the patient opens the container, as well as the weight of the remaining pills.

Click here to read the blog.

  1. Enabling AI Companies, the Jack Welch Way!

Fascinating Facts:

  • Jack Welch is well-known for employing the "Six Sigma" approach application at General Electric (GE) – a management protocol aimed at process improvement via error and defect reduction. The author, who learned the Six Sigma approach at a GE co5mpany, shares why this approach is so effective for companies deploying AI.
  • Vendors sell AI as a commodity without properly training and certifying white-collar employees in the organization in AI.
  • By teaching employees to seek everyday AI applications in their work, the organization's impactful AI use case amounts will subsequently increase.

Click here to read the blog.

  1. How Healthcare AI Chatbots are Transforming the Patient Journey

Fascinating Facts:

  • AI chatbots help patients and HCPs by automating manual tasks, identifying red flags, encouraging medical adherence, and offering patients bias-free 'safe spaces' to disclose personal information.
  • Specifically, chatbot assistants can help patients schedule follow-ups, provide daily reminders to take medicine, ease symptom reporting, increase payment-processing speeds, and answer health-related questions.
  • Innovative physical-form bots include animatronic emotional support animals that use ML to 'learn' their patient's response behaviors and even robots that enable the mobile-impaired to walk upright.

Click here to read the blog.

  1.  The Value of Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pharmaceutical Commercial Analytics

Fascinating Facts:

  • The expansion of using large databases from patient claims and electronic health records (EHR), coupled with expanded sales and marketing channels and associated metrics, have generated substantial opportunities from which ML and data mining (DM) can extract value.
  • There are boundless opportunities for ML to uncover new insights with significant social value. These insights improve not only business efficiency and effectiveness, but also health and economic outcomes important to all critical stakeholders in the healthcare system.
  • Applying DM to unstructured data can improve understanding of social media opinion/awareness metrics, as well as mine an open payments database to identify patterns through prioritizing certain therapeutic areas based on market opportunities, competitor targeting, and more.

Click here to download the white paper.

Bottom Line: Use the COVID-19 Quarantine to Make Learning Your Hobby.

So, there you have it - seven excellent resources for valuable AI/ML information. This content ought to open the window to the wealth of available knowledge on this fascinating, future-forward innovation.

While it seems like COVID-19 is holding you prisoner via shock ankle monitor, remember that quarantine time has its benefits, but it won't last forever. While twinges of pain come and go, they most likely occur during periods of boredom. Now is the best time to heed that boredom to improve yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Nobody knows when the opportunity will again provide us with time to do the tasks and activities we never have enough time to do during our "on" time. Quarantine is your chance to learn a new skill and increase your knowledge. At the same time, go easy on yourself when a day of progression is not in the cards for you. At the very least, you can fold those clothes festering on "the chair." You know, the random one in your room piled with clothes.

Quarantine is your chance to learn a new skill and increase your knowledge.

Please – do not take this time for granted. While there is no pressure to become Elon Musk overnight, challenge yourself to make educational reading a meditative hobby. After all, if you cannot muster the energy to get out of bed some days, a tablet with an e-book can always come with you. Your future self – wiser and more self in-tuned – will thank you.

Axtria wishes you the best of health, safety, and peace of mind during these trying times. Now, fold those clothes.

Click Here To Learn About Axtria's AIML Capabilities.



  1. Viswanathan M, Golin CE, Jones CD, et al. Interventions to improve adherence to self-administered medications for chronic diseases in the United States: A systematic review. Ann Intern Med, December 2012. Available at (accessed 7 April 2020)