Home Life Sciences Leadership Podcast - Season 1 Sales Rep 3.0 & How Pharma Must Prepare For This Future Role

Episode 13: Sales Rep 3.0 & How Pharma Must Prepare For This Future Role
Episode Details
Chris Gish has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in sales and commercial leadership roles. He describes sales rep 3.0, how the customer and industry play a role in its evolution, and the skills and competencies needed to become a sales rep 3.0. We discuss technology, alignment, what pharma organizations would need to do to enable this new role, and the barriers preventing the set-up of the sales 3.0 ecosystem. Tune in as we chat about the importance of the sales rep in modern and future pharma and what we can expect ahead in the years to come.
In This Episode, We Cover:
- [03:18] What does Chris mean by sales rep 3.0 and the evolution of the sales rep over the years.
- [05:25] The role of the pharma customer in the evolution of sales rep 3.0.
- [07:08] The skills and competencies a sales rep needs to become a sales rep 3.0.
- [11:17] The timeline to set up a sales rep 3.0 ecosystem and the barriers to doing so.
- [15:29] The importance of the sales rep in the future of the pharma industry.
Key Takeaways:
- Effective promotion and selling in the pharmaceutical space are about effective communication.
- Sale rep 3.0. is about how the traditional selling role, behaviors, and competencies will evolve as our communication continues to change.
- Pharma must keep up with customers’ changing preferences and must hire and train for new skills.
About Speaker
Meet Chris:
Chris has over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry across sales and commercial functions. He has held multiple leadership positions, heading sales divisions for large sales teams at Pfizer and Sunovion and at two startup companies, Alder Bio and TherapeuticsMD. At Sunovion, he grew the company’s flagship asset, Latuda, into a blockbuster billion-dollar brand. Chris also worked at Pfizer for 21 years with roles in Sales, Marketing, and Training, culminating in leading all promotion assets, including digital and personal. He currently works in Leadership Development, Coaching, and Sales Force Effectiveness as Principal Consultant at GishGroup, LLC and a senior consultant at Accelerated Leadership Group.
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Life Sciences Leadership Podcast - Season 1
The Life Sciences Leadership podcast delves deep into effective strategies, latest innovations, and trends in the life sciences industry. Join Axtria’s Jasmeet Sawhney as he sparks discussion with highly acclaimed life sciences leaders on various industry trends and topics that are critical to winning in the new environment. Whether you are transforming your R&D processes, working on commercial success strategy, or simply craving dynamic discussion, this is the podcast for you.
Season 1
21 Episodes